The Mezunian

Die Positivität ist das Opium des Volkes, aber der Spott ist das Opium der Verrückten


You’re concerned about Seattle weather. This is the land of angry, light-deprived grunge music, where rain slickers are couture fashion, where we need espresso by the gallon to stay awake, where old-timers are called “mossbacks” because if you stop moving long enough, the damp green understory swallows you whole.

Bastyr University, who don’t know shit ’bout what they’re talking ’bout

Rainy Autumn ~

better than

shitty summer.

Also, I have to laugh @ the clowns who depict June & July as rainy ( 1 tool on Quora called June the “worst month of winter” —presumably ’cause he actually lives in Australia ), when ’twas mostly blaring gaudy sun & stale heat in Seattle this year. This page claims that August is “70s” “Heaven”; he lowballed ’bout 20 degrees.

Posted in Haiku, Senryu y amigos, Poetry

shitty-ass haiku

Mezun wrote this while searching for images related to haiku in the Google Images prefecture. He addressed this to some o’ the poems by young westerners he ran into, who subscribed to the orokaburushitu school o’ haiku that uses minimal imagery & subtlety & usually involves meta commentary ’bout how the writer is just writing 17 syllables without thinking.

Just 17 whole
syllables makes a
shitty-ass haiku.

Posted in Haiku, Senryu y amigos, Poetry