20. N5 The Tidal Coast – Blue
O’ the few uses o’ the octopuses in this game, this is the most interesting use, challenging the player to navigate an underwater maze to find both the key & the chest room while avoiding the charge attacks o’ the octopuses who alternate from up & down as they enter the screen & threaten to shove the player back — & possibly make them lose track o’ where they are if they aren’t paying close attention to where they get shoved.
The chest room is also a novel concept, challenging the player to jump out o’ the water while dodging the apples that will make Wario fat & sink back to the bottom o’ the water, albeit underutilized with just 1 straightforward iteration. I can imagine potential twists where you need to intentionally get fat @ a certain part o’ the water so you sink down & break donut blocks. Howe’er, such extra variations would work better for their own treasure, not @ the end o’ a treasure that already has a theme.