The Mezunian

Die Positivität ist das Opium des Volkes, aber der Spott ist das Opium der Verrückten

Worst to Best Treasures – Wario Land 3, Part 5

60. N1 Out of the Woods – Green

The crux o’ this treasure, hopping ’long falling leaves while trying to avoid the water shots the fish spits @ you or falling into the lake, is a unique challenge that meshes well with the forest theme while adding the water twist to it. I specially like how they make this room darker & bluer than the rest o’ the level, giving it a mo’ mossy feel. Howe’er, it’s hard to ignore that said unique mechanic is just a new paint job o’er falling platforms & projectiles, which are not the most exotic o’ mechanics, especially in a game like this.

While I like the way they foreshadowed the green key from the beginning, I don’t feel like they tied it into the actual green treasure itself very well. Maybe if what you need to reach the green key, hopping off enemies, was what unlocked the leaf room, but that’s not the case; & e’en tho the sequence requires you to get the high-jump boots before the treasure that unlocks this treasure, I don’t think you actually need to high jump to jump ’cross the leaves. It seems they could’ve found a way to hide it ’mong the leaves — maybe have extra leaves ’bove & to the left @ a branching point. Or, hell, they could’ve placed it high up in the trees, which otherwise just has music coins. That would cohere a bit better since you have to jump ’cross tiny leaves that disappear soon after you land on them.

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Posted in Video Games, Worst to Best Levels