The Mezunian

Die Positivität ist das Opium des Volkes, aber der Spott ist das Opium der Verrückten

Worst to Best Treasures – Wario Land 3, Part 3

80. E2 The Frigid Sea – Gray

I don’t have a problem with this treasure’s core being just a straight path going right while avoiding the quite-treacherous Brrr Bears & their ice shots on slippery platforms that don’t allow too much room to maneuver, specially since they do add the challenge o’ finding the gray key.

That said, I think they could’ve picked a better hiding place for the key. Not only do you have to break thru a wall to reach it, but it’s placed ’tween 2 sides, but only 1 side is breakable, & you’re just s’posed to guess that. E’en mo’ counterintuitive, there’s a grabbable crystal on the unbreakable side, which makes it look like you can pick it up & throw it @ the wall to someone who might go back to this stage & forget that they don’t get the glove till after this treasure. They could’ve a’least integrated the Brrr Bear with the key: ¿why not put a Prince Froggie in front o’ the gray key & have you get hit by the Brrr Bear up there to break thru it. That would be a great way to tutorialize this mechanic & would better mesh with the treasure theme. This is nitpicking, but it in addition to the basic path to the chest does make this treasure feel a bit uninspired — a’least in comparison to a lot o’ the other treasures in this game.

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Posted in Video Games, Worst to Best Levels