I have no one to blame but myself: Didn't take proper care o' my teeth. & now they've all fallen out. Can't waste the dentist's precious time placing them back in. No, I must have my just desserts. My taste buds crave them. But thanks to me, now I can't eat; & when I can't eat, I get hungry. But you don't see complaints from me; I took my tasty medicine, yes sire! I can take the dose. I must take the dose. If I can't take the dose, I must be beat. I can't take the dose. What am I to do? My stomach, it scratches for sustenance... & all I taste is gum blood. Gum blood doesn't taste too tangy. I break out into the street, Where I meet the man with the sweep. I swallow myself whole. & he-- the polite fellow-- he sweeps 'way the debris. I told you I'd take my medicine. & I did. 'Cause I deserved it.
I Deserved It
2014 November 5